Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Did he just say that to me???

Now, I usually don't go into detail about my doctor's appointments, simply because I don't see the need to, but this one was so bizarre, I would be doing you a GREAT injustice not to share.

So, this doctor is only in clinic for consultations on Monday afternoons...so I had to rearrange my dialysis treatment to be there at 1 pm...so, at 3 pm he still hadn't arrived to the clinic because he was at another hospital operating on a patient.  So, I'm a bit frustrated because I had to go through A LOT to rearrange my treatment and at that point I'm thinking I may have to go through all of that again because this man may not show up.  Moments later, a man with the wildest hair, several briefcases and a cane with an arm brace comes rushing past yelling, "If it were you on the table, you would want me to stay until I finished also!"...and all I could think was, this will be interesting.  

I get in the examining room and the nurse tells me to get undressed from the waist up and put on a gown...that sounds about right to me since I'm there about my stomach.  A couple minutes later the doctor comes in as I'm sitting on the examination table and motions for me to come to him.  Okay.  So now I'm standing in front of him and the next thing I know, this man starts to rip my gown off and tell me to drop my pants and underwear!!!  I am a VERY modest person so it was so alarming to me that I starting pulling back asking him what the eff he was doing???  He says, "I need to see everything so I know where I need to cut!"  Couldn't he simply have asked me to undress instead of taking it upon himself to do it for me?  So, as I'm standing there a-hole naked in front of a man and nurse I don't know he begins poking and prodding at my stomach and asks me, "How did it get so big?????"  I tell him, "That's why I'm here to see you sir, to get rid of it!"  At this point, I KNOW this appointment ain't gonna be good.  Next, he asks me to hold my stomach up and proceeds to tell me I have a scrotum.  Did he really just say that to me?????  I tell him, "NO I DON'T!!!"  He then says that mine is bigger than his!  At this point his nurse interjects to tell him he's being inappropriate and just plain crass.  And then he took pictures so somewhere in that hospital, on an iPad there are a bunch of pictures that don't make me smile on the inside.  He then show's me where he's going to cut and then says I have too much skin on my honeypot so he's going to cut that too so its proportionate, and he's going to do that as a favor to me.  Look, NOBODY said anything about cutting my fig and pudding!  It was served me well for 30 years...no complaints!  I proceeded to get dress and haven't remembered what normal feels like since.  I was absolutely traumatized and have no expectations for this surgery.  Please keep me and my scrotum in your thoughts as we get ready to go under the knife in a few months.  I swear I feel like these kind of things only happen to me, lol

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