Sunday, December 22, 2013

Could This Be the Beginning of Something Big....

Loooooovies!!!!  There has been soooooo many great things happening for me!  I'm in utter disbelief that God has chosen me to experience all of this but I'm so grateful that his favor is upon me.  I feel like the beginning of something BIG is starting to take form and I'm so ready to walk into my greatness!!!

After I began dialysis and quit my job, I realized that Social Services wasn't my destiny.  I learned MANY life lessons and a lot about myself counseling the mentally ill but it and Psychology wasn't something I saw myself doing long term.  So at the ripe age of 27 I was faced with that looming question..."What do I want to do with my life?"  After getting involved with FFC and the Gift of Hope and seeing how my story effects people...after MANY nights of praying and crying out to God to speak to me about my purpose one day it randomly hit me...I want to go around the world sharing my life story with the hope to motivate people to be the best version of themselves.  I want to help people to understand that the process of changing is NOT easy but it is so gratifying.  I want to show people the beauty of going through your process so that you reach your destiny. Now the question do I do that???

In the recent weeks I have been given some awesome opportunities to not only get my story out to others but my face also.  This is important because once people can place a face with a name it brings a story to life.  As part of the 2014 Year of Wellness promotion, there was an actual video clip made about me and my story.  I'm going to include it in a separate post but the feedback I received from it was OVERwhelming.  So many people became emotional hearing it and it means something to mean that I can touch others that way.  I was asked to participate in FFC's commercial that will begin running in the new year.  So many other things are in the works for 2014 and I'm just so excited about each and every opportunity! 

And that brings me back to my destiny...until the world has heard my story I'm going to utilize every outlet that I can to essentially share myself...including this blog.  With all of the recent attention, my baby has been gaining attention too!  It's time I make it a priority so that when people take the time to read it, they are getting quality content and a real glimpse into me.  I am going to start off by committing to blog twice a week.  A recipe blog and a topic that is relevant to me at the time.  Whether it's about my workouts (which have been brutal lately...but I can say that last week I ran for the first time in my life...PROUD PROUD moment!)...slacking off with my eating (this happens time to today, lol) post-op once I have my tummy tuck...or just keeping myself encouraged to finish this journey.  

It is my wish that you will continue with me as my life begins to gain momentum.  This started out as a blog to document the road to getting a transplant but my life has turned into so much more!!!  Join me as I walk into my destiny and let's see together just where it takes me :)

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