Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Break Up Letter

I was poking around on some social networking site when I saw an idea I thought was phenomenal!!!  It suggested writing a break up letter to your that sounds comical initially, but when you think about it that could be absolutely powerful.  We, we meaning women lol, often go through this ceremonious process of getting closure from exes...why not do the same thing with unwanted weight?  They're both baggage that you no longer want to carry around.  This process is also cathartic in allowing you to understand what has been holding you back from doing what's best for you.  We often go on tangents to let our exes know what went wrong in relationships and we need to have that same attitude towards unwanted weight.  I encourage you sit down, be alone with your thoughts and take the time to write your unwanted weight an overdue Dear John letter.  I want to share mine with all of my Lovies out there...hoping it motivates you to do the same.

Dear Fat;

We've been partners in crime since I can remember.  I have always been chunky, chubby...let's just be honest, I was the fat kid.  Not only was I big but I was also tall.  This made it hard to hide and believe me people never let me.  For years, whenever I walked into a room I felt like the spotlight was on me...and not for good reasons. There could be a hundred  people in the room but for some reason I was the one everyone found to make fun of.  For whatever reason I just took it...because somehow I felt like I deserved it.  As I got older, I embraced who I was more but it still spawned other insecurities. People would take pictures of me and after seeing them I would go home and cry.  Was this the way I looked to others?  I tried getting rid of you, MULTIPLE times, but I didn't think I was worthy of letting you go.  As I sit here 120 lighter, I bid you adieu because I thought I would die with you still apart of me.  I let you keep me from living my life, but that is no more.  I let you keep me from being loved the way I deserved to be loved but that is no more.  Fat, I say goodbye to you and every piece of negativity you manifested in my life.  I will always remember you because I must remember where I came from so that I don't return.  I understand that you will always be in my life, but no longer will you control my life.  This is my break up letter to you and I end it with saying farewell.

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