Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Be My Guest....

While I try to catch up on what's been going on in my life this past month, lol.  So many things to share...I'll try and condense it as much as possible.  So, here it is:

1.  My 30th birthday.  I finally entered the 3rd decade and I must say I ENJOYED myself!!!  I had three separate celebrations and by the time the last one came I was POOPED, but of course there were a series of events that led up to it...this IS my life of course.  The day after my birthday, which was on a Wednesday, that Thursday I had to have outpatient surgery.  I get home and my leg decides that it had enough work and it was taking a vacation.  I went to the ER at 10:30 pm where there was a 10 hour wait.  I finally saw a doctor around 3 am who gave me 2 vicodin for the pain.  I got home at 5:30 am went to sleep to wake up at 7:30 am to go to dialysis.  Yea.  Came home around 2:30 pm and could NOT sleep and went out for my birthday dinner around 7:30 pm.  Got home at midnightish and had the sweetest slumber I've known, lol.  I've never felt SOOOOOOO loved on my birthday and had so many people reach out to me.  Easily the best birthday ever.

2.  I reached the biggest weight loss goal of my life and said ta ta to the 300's.  I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't in the 300's.  At my highest weight I was around 420.  To see that 2 was gratifying but also scary.  My biggest fear is that this weight will find its way back.  I will grow complacent and forget everything that I've learned because staying fit is "too hard".  While I know I can only take it one day at a time, these thoughts do sit in the back of my mind.

3.  I got an offer to be a guest blogger for a great website/blog about self-actualization and finding your identity.  I'm over the moon excited about it and can't wait to share more info with you once I get it, lol

4.  I got a haircut...I'm pretty ambivalent about it.  I know that it was necessary and it's really cute but my hair hasn't been this short since will take some getting used to.

5.  I made homemade Chicken Vino Bianco last night and I shedded a tear.  To know that one of my most favorite dishes is no longer banned from my diet, words can't describe.  Of course I tweaked it some to make it healthy...I have pics so I can do a recipe blog

6.  Typing all of this out like this, as sort of a vent, is feeling really cathartic right now.  Today I had a BUNCH of stimulus and it had me feeling all over the place emotionally.  I've never mentioned this before, but I have anxiety and panicking issues.  Days, like today, when there seems to be a million different things going in a billion different directions are really hard for me to process and just be vulnerable to.  Keeping all this inside makes me feel worse so to feel like I'm releasing's like I can breathe again.

7.  Lucky seven...I'll share the biggest news here.  Last week, well actually the week before last but who has time for particulars lol, I had an appointment with the transplant team.  I was meeting with the transplant nephrologist and social worker just to see if  I'd lost enough weight to start taking tests so once I got to my goal weight I could FINALLY be listed.  I'll save you all the rambling details, but long story short the transplant team decided I am an operable size and as of last Monday I AM OFFICIALLY LISTED FOR A TRANSPLANT!!!!!!  I know that it's nothing but the favor of God that did it.  I don't know if I can convey the MAGNITUDE of what has happened, but honey believe me IT'S BIG!  Furthermore, after I lose a few more pounds they're going to send me to have a tummy tuck...and my insurance will pay for it!!!  Tell me God ain't good, lol.  A kidney and flat abs, yes please!  I feel so blessed.  What meant the most to me was to see the reaction when I told my trainer.  I knew he cared, but he truly is just as invested in this as I am.  God has put some AWESOME people in my life and my prayer is to never take them for granted and always make them proud.

I think that's about it.  I promise not to stay away so long again but as you see March had a lot going on!  This weekend I'm going away with my Mom to get some MUCH needed rest and do some MORE needed shopping, lol.  I only have 3 pairs of pants that fit, but I'm not all.  I have TONS of pics to share, including food pics with recipes.  I know you guys are going to love some of my newest creations...until we meet again...Be Healthy Lovies :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG...I posted a super long comment on my phone like 3 days ago and apparently it didn't post!! Grrrr!!

    Oh well, I'll hit the high points...CONGRATULATIONS on everything!! God is always good & on time and I know everything will work out for the best for you!!

    I'm working on getting to the "2" point also and can't wait for that day (about 10 more pounds to go)!!!
