Wednesday, April 30, 2014

SOOOOOOOO Much to Share

I have soooooooooooooo much to share with you Lovies about National Donate Life Month and all of the the fantastic things that happened for me.  Honestly, these were the best weeks of my life.  Unfortunately, I will have to sit down to really take time to share the magnitude of everything that happened.  To give you an idea of how great it was...I WAS ON THE NEWS!  I promise I will be back with a grand ole update but I just wanted to check in and say life is really good.  I went in Monday for my final post-op appointment.  I'm down about 15 pds since my surgery.  Next month will be a bit sad for me but I'll share those details after all is said and done.  I'm truly walking into a new season and I'm so excited to see what it is going to bring!  I'll be back sooner than later :)

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