Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Change Is a Brewing...

Lovies!!!!  It's been awhile since I just blogged my feelings so, here it goes:

The year is almost over.  That means a lot to me.  I can remember this time last year praying & crying out to God because it felt like he had forgotten about me.  When I say that, it just felt like I was stuck...going nowhere in particular...stagnant if you will.  Around this time last year is also when the Year of Wellness was introduced to me.  I remember thinking, "Something good has to happen for me at some time, why not this".  I NEVER could have dreamed that this year would unfold the way that it did.  Not only did God NOT forget about me, he has taken me on a path I never could have imagined.  This year has been full of surprises, life changing opportunities, a little heartbreak but we'll talk about that later, lol, but most of all it's been about change.

Most people don't like change, I was one of them.  I realized though, it wasn't the change I didn't like.  It was the process that I most often went through that was the problem.  You see, with change its not convenient to when YOU want it to happen.  It doesn't conform to what make you comfortable.  It's about pushing your boundaries and transforming you, if you allow it.  I liken it to the proverbial coal.  Put it under pressure, it turns into a diamond.  Right now, I've been polished, my facets cut and the light is hitting me so that I shine to the world.  I appreciate everything that I've been through.  It may have SUCKED at the time, but its made me who I am today and I wouldn't trade that in for the world.  I'm not perfect, but I'm a good person and it shows.  That's worth more than anything to me.

So, I'm embracing another change...tummy tuck surgery.  As some of my weight loss lovies know, you can exercise until you pass out and some places on your body won't change.  My legs are toned (they are looking amazing actually, lol), my face is smaller, I have baby guns peeking out my arms, but my stomach honey, let me tell you.  This butt in the front is going NOWHERE!!!  It's tight up under there, but that means nothing if you have skin hanging to your knees covering it up, lol.  So, I WELCOME this tummy tuck.  I've been in a hate/hate relationship with my stomach my entire life so it feels like God answered my prayers.  I will continue to eat right and exercise AFTER my procedure to continue losing weight and tone up.  Let me explain it this way...I love taking pics from the chest up because I look like a completely different person.  I love how my legs photograph...but I DETEST full length pictures because when I look at them all I see is my stomach and it makes me feel like I haven't lost a single pound.  I've worked hard and I want to be able to look at myself and see that hard work translated.  NO ONE should have to live with a butt in the front if they don't want to, lol.

I'm also going to chop all my hair off, but I'll save those details until it's done. I feel like this was vague, but I just wanted to share how I'm feeling without giving away too much information.  Hopefully you get an idea of the road I'm traveling and understand how AWESOME it is and how grateful I am to be chosen to take it...until we meet again Lovies!!!  Love you, inside and out <3

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