Sunday, December 9, 2012

Can't Stop Won't Stop...

Hello lovelies!!!  This week has been...interesting.  I entered a contest at my gym.  It's called the year of wellness and the prize is a year of free membership among other GREAT things including free monthly massages.  Can we say yes please, lol.  So, it was really my trainer who encouraged me to do this.  You know something, now is a good time to talk a bit about my trainer.

I am not a person who believes in things happening by chance; it's not by chance that people come into our lives and often they are put there for a reason.  When I signed up to go to FFC (my gym), I was actually interested in another place but they came up in my google so I just went with it.  After I signed up part of the promotion for that month was 6 personal training sessions.  Because of my medical "situation" it was decided that it would be best if I worked with the Fitness Director...let's call him "Miester".  So, in talking to Miester he told me that his wife was a doctor and that he would use her for a reference about my limitations, etc.  This was my first sign that this was meant to be and that this was God's plan.  So, he told me that I needed to get medical clearance before we could work together and for me it would be a bit more involved than the average person. While I was waiting for everything to come back he wanted me to come in and do 20 mins of cardio to start breaking myself in.  In all honesty I think Miester was trying to test me to see how serious I was about everything, so I did it.  I came in on the days I didn't have treatment and rode that little bike...this lasted for one month.  A heart monitor and many pieces of paperwork later it was time for our first session.  That was almost 2 years ago.  We've been busting moves every since.  To attest to how great of a trainer he is he was promoted to open one of the newest clubs as the Fitness Director.  About a month ago he was promoted again to General Manager running his own club.  And yet he still manages to find the time to train me.  I KNOW that I wouldn't be as far as I am in journey without him.  Not only is there the accountability factor but he really believes in me.  Dare I say he believes in me more that I may believe in myself.

And that's how I ended up in this dang contest.  Miester seems to think I have this thing sowed up.  I, on the other hand feel differently.  This contest is really forcing me out of my box. This contest tests every idiosyncrasy that I have.  I don't like depending on other people or really asking for help.  This contest forces me to depend on others.  Unfortunately for me, my last name is Taylor and that means we don't quit, lol.  So, as I resolve to see this contest through to the end and give it my all, I'm going to believe in myself as everyone around me believes in me.  See you guys at the winners' circle :) 

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