Monday, June 30, 2014


Happy Monday my Lovlies!!!  I know it has been ages but SOOOOOOOO much greatness has been going on and I've been busier than I ever imagined I could be.  My life is amazing y'all.  And not in a bragging way but in an "I'm in complete and utter awe!" way.  I NEVER thought my life would take the direction that it has but I'm so grateful and wouldn't change it for the world.  I've become more active with the Renal Network, I was added to the Medical Review Board (I have NO idea how that happened...I was approached and accepted)...and for all the hard work I've put in this past year advocated they awarded me the VERY prestigious Robert Felter Memorial Award.  Can you say amazing!!!  So, as the winner I get to go to a conference anywhere in the US, all expenses paid, so in September...I'M GOING TO VEGAS!!!  I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this trip.  It's a vacation that is LONG overdue and I've never been to Vegas so I'm excited to see what I can get into *winks*

I've also been busy building a professional career.  I don't want to share too, too much but know that God is up to something great and once it all unfolds, understand that it was ALL him and none of me...I am simply the vessel.  With that, I will be developing a new blog.  No, I won't abandon this's funny.  Not many people even know about this blog but it has been very cathartic for me.  It's personal and I feel like I can be rather transparent because again, no one knows about it, lol.  I will try to update with news, recipes and other wonderful things as I can.  

With my new blog...I have a website!!!!

It is live and I'm still getting it together, but my new blog will be apart of it.  It will definitely have a different theme than this one but I'm hoping you will enjoy it just the same.

Thank you for following me on this unpredictable journey that is my life!  It means more to me than you know.  Until we meet again Lovlies, LOVE YOU and be good to you :)