Monday, March 10, 2014


Lovies!!!  I'm two weeks post-op and I must say...IT WENT FANTASTIC!  Virtually painless, which was beyond shocking, and I can really see a difference!  I'm still swollen and have some healing to do, but I have a shape...more importantly, I HAVE A BUTT!  It's something how removing something like your stomach makes your entire body look different.  I'm actually getting a shape to my's amazing to see how everyday I look a little different and can move a bit better.  Today I went in for my first post-op appointment and my surgeon was more than pleased with my progress.  I've had two drains hooked up to me for the past week that were driving me crazy, lol.  They felt like shackles...but those drains were removed today and I spent the day enjoying my new freedom and this beautiful weather in an otherwise dreary, snow filled winter.  I surprised my trainer with a visit and it was GREAT to see him and just chat.  My birthday is in 2 days and for the first time in my life, I keep forgetting, lol.  I have one birthday wish...I'm crossing my fingers that it comes true!  If it does I'm going to dedicate a post about it.  Next month is National Donate Life Month and it's gearing up to be pretty amazing!  I can't wait to share all of the wonderful things that will be taking place.  Life is good.  I never imagined that this is how my life would take form but I don't regret a step of this journey.  I see so many people focusing on their don't get me wrong, it really excites me to see other's investing in their health but it feels like everyone is taking it to an extreme.  With all the talk about juicing, detoxing, eating clean, etc...I will never speak negatively about any choice anyone makes to have a healthier lifestyle.  What I do feel is that people have become radical with these ideas when they shouldn't be used as weight loss regimens.  Do I detox, absolutely.  When I haven't been eating well or haven't been watching my salt intake closely I detox with cucumbers and lemon water to flush my system.  Once my body is back on track, I go back to the basics...eating right and exercising.  Do I obsess about eating clean...unfortunately I don't...I strive to eat well because that is something I can maintain for a lifetime.  I guess that's my point...develop habits that you can maintain for a makes no sense to go on these 12 week weight loss binges only to fall off track and end up where you were 12 weeks ago.  Don't be afraid to take baby steps and slowly build to the regimen that you desire to reach.  I know I'm rambling but this is something that has been bothering me for awhile.  These bandwagon cleanses, detoxes, herbal meal replacement supplements...none of these can replace old fashion eating right and exercising.  They may be a good jump start to start or even to break a plateau but the basics of weight loss never change.  Before I bore you completely to death I'm going to turn in but I just wanted to update you on how everything went with the tummy tuck and once the swelling goes down some more I'll certainly be posting some after pics...I'll have to pray about posting before pics, lol.  As I always say LOVE YOU and be good to yourself lovies :)