Saturday, October 19, 2013

Be My Guest....Again

Well, it looks like someone took the summer off, lol.  Hello my Lovies!  Its been about 4 months since my last post.  So you know that means I shall be giving you a novel.  So really INCREDIBLE things have happened over the past few months that I can't wait to share with let's get to it:

1.  Unfortunately I haven't lost any weight in the last four months...but I have lost hella inches!!!  This brings me to my first soapbox...STOP BEING NUMBERS OBSESSED!!!  DO NOT let the scale dictate how well you're progressing on your journey.  I have a million and one factors that force my numbers to fluctuate.  Yet, my clothes continue to get bigger and my body is the smallest its ever been.  When I look in the mirror I don't even recognize myself.  I'm finally at the stage of seeing a dramatic change.  I remain consistent and when I feel myself getting off track, I sit and figure out what has changed.  I will always live by the motto "Progress not perfection"

2.  I've been doing a lot of work with the Gift of Hope which is an organ procurement organization here in Illinois.  I've had the opportunity to speak at a few events advocating the importance of organ donation and encouraging others to sign up to be a donor.  I am sooooooo grateful that God has orchestrated this relationship because the things I've experienced are mind blowing.  They're implementing a program in high schools where they'll be showing a video of a transplant candidate/recipient explaining why organ donation is important.  I was blessed with the opportunity to be one  of the people filmed in hopes that my story will be picked and shown.

These are a few shots I was able to capture before filming began.  The whole experience was absolutely surreal.  Even if my story isn't chosen, to be considered was absolutely humbling.

I also got to speak to a crowd of medical professionals about the importance and impact of organ donation.  Among the speakers for that day were Secretary of State Jesse White.  To be on the same agenda as him...I have no words!
 This is a copy of the official agenda for the day. 

                                                                         This is a picture of me giving my speech and afterwards having a candid moment with one of the awesome Gift of Hope staffers.

But the highlight of this summer and maybe of the year....I GOT TO GO TO A BEARS GAME!!!  Let me tell you, I was given the ULTIMATE Bears experience and was able to share it with others!!!  I was picked to participate in the 4th phase flag ceremony, where we basically were on field with a HUGE Bears flag welcoming the team on the field!!!  UN-FREAKING-REAL!!!  I got the chance to stand on the field with Chicago Bears great Dick Butkus amongst others.  Of course I have loads of pics but I'll share the best ones, lol
 The cutest little Bear fan...I was READY!!!

 Waiting with the other 4th Phase rained that day, but I didn't feel a drop, lol

The schedule and the moment it all became real!

 Waiting in the tunnel to walk out onto the field...I was so excited

 The much coveted flag.  At this point I was just trying to remember all the instructions so that I didn't mess up, lol

 Walking the Chicago Bear's field en route to get in place

 Yes...this really happened

 Two of the most awesomest people as we unfolded the flag to welcome our CHICAGO BEARS!!!!


 The Bears setting up their first touchdown


 Number 33 is Charles "Peanut" Tillman.  It's because of him I was able to have this awesome experience.  His daughter had a life saving heart transplant as an infant.  Mr. Tillman pays his gratitude forward by being involved with the Gift of Hope among other organ donation organizations.  I salute you Mr. Tillman!

 Devin Hester hyping up the crowd!  

BEARS WIIIIIN!!!  Vikings who, lol

As you can see, I HAD A BALL!!!  It's an experience I will never forget and will hard to match!  Next Saturday I am scheduled to speak at another Gift of Hope even honoring the families who've made the ultimate sacrifice of donating their deceased loved one's organs.  My goal is to have them understand how grateful we are for their unselfish decision to help others.

3.  This year instead of volunteering for the Gift of Life walk, I ACTUALLY WALKED.  It was a 5k and I finished in about an hour (including a 15 minute break, lol).  I walked by myself, threw on my tunes and was focused.  I never dreamed I could finish something like this, but as I've learned over the past couple years, I can do anything I put my mind to.  To see that finish line, I've never been so happy to finish something in my life, lol.  Next year, maybe I'll run instead of walk...maybe I need to focus on taking baby steps, lol
 The starting line...I had no idea what I was in for, lol

 "ONE step at a time to help Fight chronic kidney disease"

 How amazing is this view of Lake Michigan!!!

 I FINISHED!!!  Now where is some water and a soft patch of grass to pass out in, lol

This is my "it hurts" face.  I got nice and tanned too...wasn't complaining about that!

4.  I was invited as a special guest at the Fitness Formula Clubs employee party this year.  I was asked to come and speak about my journey to show the employees the impact they can have in a client's life.  This night was easily one of the best experiences of my life.  I know I was there to encourage them, but they gave me much more in return.  To see so many people who may not know me personally yet they are SO invested in my journey and so excited about the progress I've made makes me so emotional every time I think about it.  I'm so grateful to everyone at FFC for supporting me and keeping me focused on this journey.  I don't think I can say thank you enough, so I will spend the rest of my life trying.

A picture of my trainer, myself and the man who birthed the Year of Wellness competition, Jeff Riney.  I'm so grateful for these two who believe in me and keep me encouraged because they find inspiration in my story.

Unfortunately, my reign as the inaugural Year of Wellness winner is coming to an end :(.  Winning this contest opened up Pandora's box of blessings for me this year.  Prayerfully, it may not be over just yet and I can't WAIT to share more details about that.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

5.  I've been diligent in keeping up with my transplant process.  Attending seminars to stay as informed as I can.  Next month I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon for my consultation for the tummy tuck.  Can we say YES GAWD!!!! LoL!  I realized last week that while the rest of my body has gone through a noticeable transformation, my stomach still resembles a butt in the front.  Granted, I have some loose skin on my arms and legs that I know I can tighten and tone but this makes me feel like I haven't lost an inch.  I detest taking full body pictures because a girdle can only do so much magic.  This tummy tuck is truly for me and to help me feel better about the progress I have made.  I know that I won't be "model perfect" afterwards, but for me it will validate the progress that I know I've worked hard to make.  If God says the same, hopefully I will be starting 2014 a lot more svelte and able to buy jeans that fit my waist AND my legs, lol

 This picture blows my mind...the difference a year can make.  

This is my favorite picture of myself.  When I look at this girl, I see a beautiful person.  I honestly don't recognize her and it's not just about the physical transformation.  This girl is now a woman who knows who she is and makes no apologies for it.  She is determined to make her mark in this world because she lives by this mantra:

So, as you can see I've been UBER busy over the past few months with awesome things.  Of course I've continued cooking and have tons of pics to share with the recipes to follow but because this post is already lengthy, I will make it a separate post.  I missed you guys and hope you feel all caught up!  I'll be back sooner than you think *winks*...Be great Lovies and love you just the way you are <3